Engage Sessions

Libraries as Motion Video: Setting up an in-house studio, getting visual & extending skill-sets into new environments
Bernadette Daly Swanson, University of California, Davis

'Libraries as Motion Video' will delve into new ways for librarians to connect with students and faculty visually through video hosting sites such as YouTube, growing in popularity as a site to find and share answers and instruction through videos.

Developing content in-house with librarians at the production and/or video editing helm, provides us opportunities to translate our specialties, knowledge and skill-sets for digital environments and enter the realm of creators and socially networked sharing. We can try out new ways to involve students and faculty and share content through the library, classroom, LCD displays, websites, social networking sites, iTunesU, course management systems and extending to virtual worlds such as Second Life®

This Engage Session will:

Team work: Participants are encouraged to bring laptops and work in small teams on YouTube activities and will share ideas for collaboration with students, faculty & colleagues on video projects.
The service formerly known as reference: A changing paradigm
Yvonne Nalani Meulemans, CSU San Marcos
Allison Carr, CSU San Marcos
Pearl Ly, CSU San Marcos


In these trying budget times, libraries are being asked (sometime forced) to make difficult decisions about services which can lead to sacrificing quality. Rather than closing desks, the service of research help can be reinvisioned, reimagined and reinvigorated. Are the reasons for staffing reference as your institution does still valid? Is a librarian at a desk the best way to provide assistance? Is your approach to reference actually providing students a learning opportunity? Participants will be given a chance to 'backward engineer' their reference services and philosophy by being introduced to central concepts from educational psychology, developmental psychology, learning theories, as well as unique approaches to data gathering and analysis. Participants are asked to prepare for the workshop by bringing specific practices/philosophies from their own or their institution's reference unit that they wish to analyze.

Participants will be asked (challenged, perhaps?) to consider the way they, individually, and/or their institution 'does reference.' Further, participants will learn about some central concepts from educational psychology and learning theories as well as unique approaches to data collection and analysis that could justify or change their 'reference assumptions.' The central outcome is for participants to articulate some of the assumptions that govern their own or their institution's reference work and consider the evidence/theory for such assumptions.

Attendees will be guided through an examination of their individual and institutional philosophies of conducting student research assistance AKA reference. Pedagogical concepts and evidence-based library and information practice will be used as frameworks.
Disturbing the Sediment: Dusting off the Information Literacy Competency Standards
Allison Carr, Southern California Instruction Librarians


As we approach the 20th anniversary of the inception of the Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, librarians must ask ourselves, "Is it time for revision?" Not only have libraries changed, but the nature of information and information seeking has changed dramatically in the past 20 years. Some librarians have wondered if these standards are at all representative of what librarians are actually doing in the classroom.

During the past twenty years, the ACRL Standards have been effective at giving librarians and other educators a common language through which to discuss expectations for students at all levels of higher education.  But no one ever expected them to be perfect.  Now that we have been working with them for years, we can take a step back and discuss what they will mean to us as we go forward.  Can we update them?  Revise them?  How are individual librarians already doing this?  In some extreme cases, librarians may even be ignoring them because they don’t see the connection between the standards and their daily practice.

Attendees will participate in small discussion groups to discuss the potential for adapting or reinterpreting the standards. The World Cafe model allows attendees to participate in rotating discussion groups and give people the opportunity to experience many different perspectives. The discussions will culminate in new ideas and ways to make small changes in our daily practice that reinvigorate our teaching.

Reference Toolkit Revisited
Amy Wallace, California State University, Channel Islands
Kenley Neufeld, Santa Barbara City College
Michelle Jacobs, UCLA

Behind the services we provide and the various "tools" we use to facilitate instruction and research assistance, are the librarians and staff responsible to making the magic happen.

The presenters will provide a look at how she/he deals with the selection, development, deployment, and evaluation of their respective "tools".

Following the presentations, the session will then focus on learning outcomes and activities for reference librarians with respect to the wide range of "tools" available.