2020 DIAL-South Spring Program
DIAL Interest Group Showcase
Friday, June 5, 2020
In an 87% white profession, many academic librarians of color feel ostracized by white notions of professionalism and other biases. This begins in library school and continues throughout our careers. Providing support and guidance to POCs just entering the profession is crucial to overcoming some of the barriers that the whiteness of our profession poses. Nicollette Brant and Melissa Maldonado lead a discussion on what has helped them thrive.
At UCLA, mentoring was provided to library students of color. As a former graduate student research assistant (GSRA) and current GSRA, Nicollete and Melissa, respectively, spoke about the impact of the mentorship relationship between them and how it has helped them thrive at their library. These are just some of the opportunities librarians and students of color can use to help each other navigate the professional space in a local context.
Discussions included barriers, opportunities and reflections on entering and building one's career in academic libraries. For those already in the profession, one should consider where recruitment, retention and self-care come in.