Keynote Speaker
Jenica P. Rogers

Plenary title and abstract: Saying Yes: Building innovative libraries by killing fear and getting the job done - Available Virtually
Libraries, like farmers, have never had a good year. Our budgets wither and die, our goals shift with the seasons, and our entire foundation feels like it's shifting as technology continues to change our economic and information landscape. And if you listen to the professional discourse, it sounds like we're scared of what that all means. I will suggest that our fear doesn't actually matter, and propose that what we need is leadership that lets go of the idea of doing it all, doing it right, doing it carefully - whatever limiter you've placed on how to do your work "correctly". Instead of limiting ourselves, we need to simply focus on doing the job, like the adaptable, innovative, confident professionals we all strive to be. To that end, I'll share some strategies and approaches to management and leadership that can bring us closer to getting the job done in a way we can be proud of.
Keynote Speaker, Jenica P. Rogers is Director of Libraries for the Crumb and Crane Libraries at the State University of New York at Potsdam, coming from a background in cataloging, collection development, and staff training. Her responsibilities include short-term and strategic planning, fiscal management, fundraising and donor development. Jenica's current professional interests include trying to think strategically about "the next five years"; advocating for swift but rational implementation of emerging technologies in academic libraries; breaking the bad patterns of ostrich-style library management, and informing, mentoring, and supporting new library professionals as they hit the real world face first and at full speed. In 2009 she received a SUNY Potsdam President's Award for Excellence in Professional Service and was was nominated one of Library Journal's Movers and Shakers for 2009.
Invited Paper
Elisabeth Leonard ![]() Elisabeth Leonard is the former Associate Dean for Library Services at Western Carolina. Prior to that, she had served as the Head of Reference, Instruction and Outreach in the Social Sciences and Humanities Library at the University of California, San Diego. Leonard now brings nearly 15 years of experience in the library field to her newly created position at SAGE, as the market research analyst for online products. Leonard is active within various sections of the American Library Association (ALA) and is an instructor at SJSU. Leonard received her bachelor's degree from Salem College, her masters of science in library science from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, her master's of business administration from Wake Forest University and is currently pursuing her PhD in Information Science from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Her dissertation topic is innovation in libraries. You can find her work at Invited Paper Title: Strategic innovation: More than a myth? - Available VirtuallyLibraries mention innovation in strategic plans and in mission statements. There are numerous innovation awards. But what exactly does innovation mean and what value does it provide? Is there more to innovation in academic libraries than is represented by award winners? This paper seeks to provide context for the buzz and purpose to the hype surrounding innovation.Char Booth ![]() Char Booth explores the integration of education, research, technology, and design in libraries. She is Instruction Services Manager/E-Learning Librarian at the Claremont Colleges, and recently joined the ACRL Immersion Faculty. An ALA Emerging Leader and Library Journal Mover and Shaker, Char blogs at info-mational and tweets @charbooth. Her publications include Reflective Teaching, Effective Learning: Instructional Literacy for Library Educators (ALA Editions, 2011) and Informing Innovation: Tracking Student Interest in Emerging Library Technologies (ACRL, 2009). Brian Mathews ![]() Brian Mathews is Associate Dean for Learning & Outreach for Virginia Tech. He previously served as Assistant University Librarian at the University of California, Santa Barbara where he oversaw the library's assessment and marketing initiatives, as well web content development and learning space design.
Brian has written a book titled Marketing Today's Academic Library published by ALA Editions in 2009.
He writes a monthly column for American Libraries magazine titled "Next Steps" focusing on the leadership strategies of inspiring libraries.
And he maintains the blog, The Ubiquitous Librarian, hosted by the Chronicle of Higher Education.
Invited Paper Title: Understanding the Learner Experience: Threshold Concepts and Curriculum Mapping, Char Booth and Brian Mathews - Available VirtuallyIn order to improve library instruction, we need to develop a richer understanding of the holistic learning and teaching experience of our institutions. Threshold concepts are core ideas in a particular area or discipline that, once understood, transform perceptions of that subject. Curriculum mapping is a method of visualizing insight into the courses, requirements, and progressions a learner negotiates as they pass through a particular department or degree. When understood and applied in tandem, these strategies provide a powerful means of developing actionable insight into the learner and faculty perspective, and highlight pivotal points at which to provide library instruction, resources, and research support. This presentation will explore theoretical and applied applications of of threshold concepts and curriculum mapping, as well as feature an interactive portion devoted to collaborative mapping of threshold concepts key to teaching and learning in
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