Preconference Schedule
Incorporating Instructional Design Approaches into Library Instruction
Dominique Turnbow, Undergraduate Services Librarian, UC San Diego
Instructional design theories and principles have contributed to education over the last century in military and workforce training, classroom teaching and more recently, online learning. Instruction librarians can benefit from the research and practice of instructional designers. Instructional design approaches can help librarians design information literacy instruction by examining learning goals in new ways. In the 1980's David Merrill was credited as the first educator to separate instructional content from learner performance through use of his Component Display Theory model. This model goes beyond creating learning outcomes. By reflecting on content types (facts, concepts, procedures, principles) separately from performance (find, use, remember), instructors can use clearly defined learner outcomes to create meaningful learning activities and design effective assessment. This workshop will provide participants an introduction to instructional design approaches, with a focus on the Component Display Theory model. The instructor will illustrate how this model has been applied to design library workshops, including a discussion of successes and lessons learned. Participants will be encouraged to bring an outline of their workshop in order to revise all or part of it using the Component Display Theory model.
Innovating Approaches to Teaching Information Literacy: Business Research Instruction 2.0
Michael Germano, Business, Law and Economics Librarian, CSU Los Angeles
Michael R. Oppenheim, Collections & Reference Services Librarian, Rosenfeld Management Library, UC Los Angeles
The knowledge economy has dramatically changed the ways in which businesses access, use and benefit from information. While business information consumers are focused upon turning data into knowledge, there is a demonstrable gap in terms of what that means and more importantly, how it is actually achieved. Business information literacy instruction represents an opportunity for librarians to demonstrate their value and expertise by going beyond the typical 'find it' approach to one that is more centered upon how to analyze, apply and use information for decision-making and task execution. Whether for strategic planning, investing, due diligence or risk assessment, business information, independent of these critical functions, has no value. Similarly, librarians who separate the information from the execution of such tasks are severely limiting their perceived value to both individuals and institutions. Whether a seasoned subject specialist in business or a non-business librarian who seeks to re-think the way in which they approach information literacy instruction, or someone who simply wishes to learn more about business resources, this session will help attendees develop a keener sense of how students conduct research as well as how to engage them in not only finding relevant information but actually applying and understanding it. Using business resources and materials as examples, the presenters will encourage instructional librarians to move away from older models of information literacy instructions that center upon identifying relevant and appropriate information needs to also include steps in the analysis, interpretation, synthesis and application of information.
Specific takeaways from this session include:- Ways to rethink your instruction that build and expand upon student research habits, trends and preferences;
- A better understanding of how students actually see data and information and ways in which instructional librarians can reshape their orientation towards it that includes good information literacy habits and critical thinking;
- Exercises for minimizing confirmation bias that inherently undermines student research effectiveness;
- Incorporation of mind-maps for easily conveying steps and processes that may appear complex to student researchers;
- Utilization of innovative data visualization tools for sharing complex, multi-layered quantitative material;
- Using video in ways that promote discussion and problem solving as well as active engagement;
- Tips for developing exercises and hypothetical research scenarios that require the application of data to solve problems;
- Knowledge of common business information resources and how student/faculty researchers use them.
Action Research: Using Data to Change, Invigorate, and Inspire your Work
Stephanie Rosenblatt, Instruction Coordinator, Education Librarian, CSU Fullerton
April Cunningham, Instruction Coordinator, Saddleback College
Librarians work in a world that is increasingly data-driven and one in which data is easy to obtain. A recent study of library directors by Ithaka S+R showed that directors highly value the library's services to students, faculty, and staff but that they want to have more data to use in making decisions and communicating the library's needs to campus decision-makers. Librarians should leverage our access to data to 1) contribute to research and 2) use evidence to improve professional practice and working conditions. This preconference will introduce librarians to the concept of action research. In order to apply the concept of action research to their own settings, participants will practice using a variety of methods for data collection and analysis during hands-on activities. By practicing basic data analysis, librarians are prepared to make informed decisions in their workplaces and communicate with campus stakeholders in more compelling ways.
Learning Outcomes:
- Participants will apply the concept of action research to multiple aspects of librarianship, such as instruction, reference services, and collection development.
- Participants will use various methods and tools for data collection and analysis such as Google Forms and Tableau Public. Participants will articulate their own questions about their practice and collaborate with peers to generate ideas for investigating these questions, including methods for collecting and analyzing data.
- Participants should bring a laptop to the session.
Creating your Own Peer Learning Community: Using the World Café for Creative Thinking through Active Group Learning - Available Virtually
Susan E. Parker, Ph.D., Deputy University Librarian, UC Los Angeles
Martha Hruska, Associate University Librarian, Collection Services, UC San Diego
Linda Garnets, Ph.D., Principal, Angelo + Garnets Consulting
Nancy Angelo, Principal, Angelo + Garnets Consulting
For people who desire success in leading and living through change, we offer a model of community building and self-management to help you realize effective contributions to change in your own organization. This positive approach gives individuals tools that enable them to influence outcomes and collaborations. In an intentionally built community of effectiveness, this helps to forge bold collaboration by focusing on common issues, stimulating creative thinking, and sidestepping a feeling of loss that can come from other kinds of change. A group of AULs and organizational consultants will describe their self-generated learning community. Participants will hear how the AULs worked with the consultants to build a learning and support community together. The World Cafe concept will be introduced and through facilitated interaction, participants will generate an inventory of core critical issues and engage in a dynamic process in which they build communities of interest and experience immediate results. The AULs and consultants will engage participants in active learning and intentional processing of these issues. World Cafe uses a set of integrated design principles for managing conversations with deeper meaning, designed to give groups traction to move forward with discussions of critical issues. It stimulates creative thinking and provides a journey in which the process is shared. We think it will help people to experience the powerful phenomenon the workshop leaders created among themselves: finding and building a peer group for support and learning, and using to help break through old models to achieve greater value for library users.