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California Academic Reference Librarians Discussion Interest Group - South (CARL-DIG)

2018 CARLDIG-S Fall Program

Recapturing Reference: Making Research Relevant for Today’s Student

A Professional Development Opportunity Hosted by CARLDIG-South


Newspapers to Hashtags: Creating a News Media Gallery Walk in Your Library Suzanne Maguire Mt. San Antonio College & Anaheim Public Library

Reimagining Student-Centered Reference Services Annie Pho, Antonia Osuna-Garcia, Diana King, Miki Goral, Sylvia Page, & Wynn Tranfield University of California, Los Angeles

Data Literacy and Reference Services: Core Competencies for Supporting Undergraduate Students Nicole Helregel University of California, Irvine

Teaching Google at the Reference Desk Maggie Clarke California State University, Dominguez Hills

Discovery: Using Star Trek to Teach Students How Libraries Structure Access to Scholarly Journal Articles Laura Wimberley California State University, Northridge

Meet Me at the Main Services Desk: How The Claremont Colleges Library Moved From Drop-in Reference Hours to Scheduled Research Appointments Kirsten Hansen & Charlotte Brun Claremont Colleges Library

Are We Speaking the Same Language? Computational Text Analysis in Reference Service Assessment Alexander Justice Loyola Marymount University

In Your Face: Our Experience with Proactive Chat Reference Michelle DeMars, George Martinez, Gabriel Gardner, & Joseph Aubele California State University, Long Beach

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