
Last update: 12/03/01

ACRL and CARL-sponsored events appear in bold.

Other events of possible interest to our members are included.

This page was maintained by Stacy Magedanz.





January 5

CCLI (sCIL) Open House
UCLA Graduate School of Ed & Info Studies, 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
For more information:

CSUL-South Meeting
CSU Los Angeles, 3:00 PM

January 26

CALM South Meeting
9:30 AM - Noon, CSU LA


February 5

CARL North Regional Meeting
10 AM - Noon, UC Berkeley

February 9

Community College Interest Group North
Maximizing Your Collection Development Monies
9 AM - 1 PM, Chabot College, Hayward

February 12

CARL South Regional Meeting
1:30 - 4:30 PM Cerritos Community College, Norwalk

February 23

GIPIG South Meeting, Caltech, 10 AM

Luncheon and tour, Huntington Library,
San Marino
For more information:


March 1

CSUL-South Meeting
2:00 - 4:00 PM, CSU San Marcos

March 18-15

CARL National Conference, Denver
For more information:

March 29 to April 4

Art Libraries Society of North America
29th Annual Conference, Los Angeles
For more information:


April 5

UC Riverside Librarians Assn.
"Browsing Around a Digital Library: Future Approaches & Technologies"
10-11:30 a.m., UC Riverside
Science Library Room 240

April 27

10 AM - Noon, CSU Fullerton, Pollak Library

CALM Meeting
10 AM - Noon, CSU Fullerton, Pollak Library Rm. 110


May 4

Building Information Communities
Burbank Hilton

May 9

Event has been canceled
CDIG - North and CALM - North
Facing Fire and Flood: Coping with Disaster!

May 10-11

CSU Council of Library Directors
Going Where the Students Are: Live Reference in the CSU
Cal Poly Pomona

May 17

Hands-on Census 2000
Oviatt Library, CSU-Northridge
9 AM - 3 PM

May 18

Active Learning as a Pedagogical Approach for Information Literacy
1777 Gillette Rd., Pomona
9 AM - 4 PM

Chat Session: Demystifying SEIR
2:30 PM

May 25

Digital Information: Access and Preservation in a Changing World
Stanford University


June 1

Demystifying Systemwide Electronic Information Resources
Chancellor's Office, Long Beach

sCIL Meeting
USC Leavey Library
10:30 AM - 1:00 PM

June 14-20

ALA National Conference, San Francisco
For more information:

June 19

Science and Technology Section of ACRL/ALA
Tour of Stanford's Linear Accelerator


July 16

CSUL South Meeting
CSU Fullerton (library) Room 311, 1-3 PM

July 18

GIPIG South Meeting
Cal Tech, North Mudd Laboratory (Building 23), room 212, 10 AM

July 27 -- POSTPONED

CALM South
Sex, Depression, Your Worst Nightmare . . . 5 Stimulating Case Studies in Library Management


August 5-11

Stanford/California State Library
Institute on 21st Century Librarianship

August 17

DIAL/DRMC Joint Meeting
UC Santa Barbara, Time TBA


September 11

California's Gold: Nuggets on Managing, Accessing, Sharing, & Developing Digital Resources
Chapman University, 9 AM to 3:30 PM

September 21

CSU E-book Pilot Project
Progress Report Open Forum
San Francisco State University
Leonard Library 434, 1 to 4 PM

September 22

SEAL South
Tour of Lotusland Gardens, Mendocito
Registration closed as of Aug. 14

September 28

CSU E-book Pilot Project
Progress Report Open Forum
CSU Chancellor's Office, Long Beach, Wallace Room, 1 to 4 PM


October 3-6

Western Association of Map Libraries Fall 2001 Meeting
Portland, Oregon

October 14-17

Federal Depository Conference/Fall Council Meeting
Alexandria, VA

October 31

Census 2000 Workshop
Clark Library, Room 511, San Jose State University


November 2

Forging Library Partnerships in the Networked Age
UC Berkeley, Clark Kerr Campus, 9:15 AM to 4:30 PM

November 2-5

California Library Association Conference
Long Beach

November 6-8

Internet Librarian 2001

November 13

LACASIS Award Banquet & Presentation
"Trends in Information Organization"
Dr. Elaine Svenonius
UCLA Faculty Center, 6:30 PM

November 30

CALM-South Fall Program
Library Management Nightmares
Asuza Pacific East Campus, 9:30 AM to  2:00 PM
Program Web Site
On November 30, 2001, Azusa Pacific University Libraries played host to an event sponsored by CALM. Using a moderator/panel/audience participation format, three "benchmark managers" discussed five library management case studies.
The panel was made up of Susan Curzon (University Library Dean at California State University, Northridge), Ken Dowlin (Professor at San Jose State University's School of Library and Information Science) and Sue Brewsaugh (Library Services Manager for Boeing Company's six southern California libraries) and moderated by Dave Harmeyer (Chair of APU's Marshburn Library).
The title of the program was "Five Stimulating Case Studies in Library Management" and covered topics in the areas of library staff depression, pornography, dotcom library takeovers, adjunct faculty assignments and online reference chat services.
This web site includes the five case studies, pictures and descriptions of the benchmark managers & moderator, names of the steering committee as well as a link to a video stream of the entire two and a half hour program.


December 3

CARL-North Regional Program
Constant Changes: Librarians and Libraries in 2001
Preservation Park, Oakland,
10 AM to 4 PM

December 6

Art of Culturing Science Librarians
CSU Fullerton Pollak Library, 9:30 AM to 12 Noon

December 7

Tour of the Museum of Tolerance
Lunch 11:30, Tour 12:45 PM to 3:00 PM


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