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California Academic Reference Librarians Discussion Interest Group - South (CARL-DIG)

2017 CARLDIG-S Fall Program

Title: Agents of Change in the Age of Alternative Facts


Creating a Discipline Specific Repository for Inclusive Teaching Materials for Faculty and Instructors
Jill Morningstar and Sara Miller
Michigan State University

Quantifying the Value of Access to Information? An Initial Reconnaissance
Wendolyn Vermeer
California State University, Dominguez Hills

Fake News and Gender Issues
Lesley Farmer
California State University, Long Beach

Teaching the Teachers [with Fake News as the hook]: Faculty Workshops to Build Evaluation Strategies in the Classroom
Kirsten Hansen and Adam Rosenkrantz
Claremont Colleges Library

Fighting for Advocacy and Change through Embedded Librarianship>
Faith Bradham
Bakersfield College

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