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Southern California Instruction Librarians (SCIL)

SCIL Officer Positions and Elections

SCIL holds annual elections, with the nominating committee forming February and announcing election results in May of each year. Voting is limited to current SCIL members with active membership in CARL. The three elected office positions are:

  • Chair-Elect (who will also serve as chair in the second year, and past chair in the third year)
  • Secretary
  • Membership & Outreach Coordinator
Position descriptions can be found in the SCIL bylaws.

General Responsibilities of SCIL Officers

SCIL officers are expected to attend the majority of business meetings either in person or virtually. Business meetings are held every 6-8 weeks during the fall and spring semesters, typically on Fridays. Officers also organize and attend the following professional development events.

SCIL Events:

  • SCIL Works (offered in January or early February) is a half-day mini conference that highlights the work of area professionals centered around a new theme each year.
  • Spring Program (offered in April or May) is a full-day event that engages participants in a discussion/workshop centered on a topic of interest.
  • CARL Interest Group Showcase during CARL Conference years instead of the Spring Program.
  • SCIL usually organizes a summer social outing, but attendance at this event isn't required.

Elected Officer Position Descriptions

This person will serve for a total of 3 academic years, first as Chair-Elect 2022-2023, as Chair 2023-2024 and Past Chair 2024-2025. This length of service provides the Chair-Elect to get help from the current Chair and Past-Chair as well as the rest of the executive committee throughout their tenure.

The Chair-Elect shall serve as a member of each workshop or program committee, and shall serve in place of the Chair, as required or requested by the Chair, and shall perform other duties as requested by the Chair. This person either organizes CARL IG participation at the CARL conference or the Spring Program depending on the year.

When becoming Chair, this person prepares the agenda for and conducts all meetings. In addition, the Chair serves as a member or chair of program committees for SCIL programs, usually chairing the committee to organize SCILWorks and acts as the liaison between SCIL and the CARL Executive Board. The Chair appoints the Webmaster and other non-elected positions as needed.

As Past-Chair, this person continues to serve on the Executive Committee to provide a smooth transition for the organization. The Past-Chair can serve in the place of the Chair and Chair-Elect as needed and shall perform duties as requested by the Chair. This person also runs the SCIL officer elections.

Attends SCIL business meetings, prepares and keep minutes of meetings (Membership or Steering committee), as required, and sends copies of the minutes to Steering Committee members, and shall perform other duties as requested by the Chair. The Secretary is also responsible for SCIL business-related announcements and reports.

Membership and Outreach Coordinator
Shall be responsible for public relations (e.g., monitoring event registration and resolving registration issues, and greeting members at workshops or programs), the planning of membership social engagements exclusive of annual SCIL programs, (typically the summer social outing), communication regarding social events, and shall perform other duties as requested by the Chair.

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