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Past Fall Programs
- 2013: Citizen Science & Libraries. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 12/13/2013. Agenda
- 2013: Future Forward: Library Innovations in STEM and Beyond. CSU Long Beach, 3/8/2013.
- 2011: Data Curation Initiatives at Southern California Academic Institutions. CSU Long Beach, 10/28/2011.
- 2010: The ABCs of Data Curation & Scholarly Communication. Cal Poly Pomona, 10/15/2010.
- 2009: Getting to the Root of STEM Education. CSU Northridge, 12/4/2009.
- 2007: Getting the Gist of GIS: Geographic Information Systems and Related Technologies for the Curious Academic Librarian. CSU Northridge. 11/2/2007
- 2006: Digital Initiatives: Is an Institutional Repository in Your Future? Cal Tech. 11/3/2006
- 2006: Outside the Box Outreach, CARL Preconference, Asilomar. 4/21/2006
- 2005: Hot off the Press: Insiders' Tips for Successful Publishing, CSU Northridge. 11/4/2005
- 2004: Keeping Count: Trends in Statistical Standards for E-Resource Management, CSUN. 11/5/2004
- 2003: Integrating Information Literacy into the Disciplines: Is Science Different? CSU Pomona (Joint meeting with SCIL and CARLDIG). 4/25/2003
- 2002: JPL Shuttle Topography Mission 9/4/2002
- 2001: Art of Culturing Science Librarians,
California State University Fullerton. 12/6/2001
- Cindy Hill, Head of Sun Microsystems Library, "Care and feeding of Corporate Librarians."
- Katherine Richards, Winn-Malin Information Staffing, "Finding Science Librarians- Beg, Borrow or Steal."
- Dr. Cindy Mediavilla & Barbara Miller, "Possible Models for Bringing Science Majors into the Profession."
- 2000: New Directions in Science Journal Publishing: SPARC & CrossRef, SEAL Pre SLA Conference Program. San Diego State University. 4/4/ 2000 Speakers:
- Gloria Werner, University Librarian, UCLA
- Peter Bolman, President of Academic Press
- Kittie Henderson, Ebsco
- 1999: "If You Build It They Will Come": Planning the New Science Library at UC Riverside and Tour of the New Library. Charlene Baldwin, Assistant University Librarian for the Sciences UCR, discussed the planning, funding, development, building and use of the new Science Library at UC Riverside. Tours of the Library, highlighted the architectural and technological features of the building. 9/16/99
- 1998: Science & Engineering BI: Connecting Traditional Resources and Future Technologies. SEAL-South CARL Preconference Newport Beach. 9/11/98
- 1997: Exploring Orange County's Ancient Past. Joint meeting with Orange County Librarians Assn. Dinner program. Steve Conkling spoke of recent Orange County fossil discoveries & provided samples for show and tell. 10/2/97
- 1997: Decision 97: Print vs Electronic.
A moderated roundtable discussion of the issues surrounding the selection and cancellation of science information resources. 3/6/97
- 1996:
SEAL/LAPL Workshop on Science Reference and Resources for the Non-Science Librarian. 3/23/96
- 1995: Earthquake Mechanisms & Effects. Perspectives were shared from an engineering, geological and library point of view. Program included a hard-hat tour of the damaged areas of the California State University Northridge Oviatt Library and also included the undamaged automated materials storage and retrieval system. 10/5/95
- 1994: DNA Witness for the Prosecution?(Forensic Science as a Legal Tool). 12/1/94
- 1992: How New Technologies Define the Past, Long Beach Public Library, CLA. 11/16/1992
- 1992: Program on Lexis Nexis and MEDIS databases. 9/24/92
- 1991:
Science and Technology Policy Issues: a report from Washington Representative George Brown. Rep. Brown is the ranking Democratic member of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee and a member of the Executive Board of the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment. He will provide insight into the federal funding for science research, NREN legislation, and technology and competitiveness. San Bernardino. 8/30/91
- 1991: Workshop on STM Journal Publishing from the Serials Manager's Point of View. SEAL-S cosponsored with CARL at UC Irvine.
- 1990: Science, Technology, and Patents Department of the Los Angeles Public Library. Billie Conner, Patricia Deutsch, Helen Haskell, Rex Mayrels and Donna Schneider (all from LAPL) spoke about the library's ongoing recovery from the fire, and about the resources of the Science Department. They covered the scope of the patents collection, standards and specifications, vendor catalogs, areas of strength in science and technology fields and the development of in house databases. 9/27/90
- 1990: SEAL Survey of libraries and preparation of a union list of accessible technical reports.
- 1989: Chemistry Database Workshop: Beilstein & Gmelin Online Training Seminar. 9/22/89
- 1988: Serials Cancellations. Cal State University Long Beach. 9/16/88
- 1988: "Hypertext: Academic Library Applications" Program at CLA
- 1987: A CD-ROM Program and Demonstration, CSU San Diego. 4/24/1987
- 1986: Consumer Health Information Overview, Collection Development, Reference & Referral for Academic, Medical, and Public Librarians, UC Irvine. 5/31/1986
- 1986: Up Front: Bibliographic File Management Software, CSU Fullerton. 1/30/1986
- 1985: Technical Reports, Aerospace Corp., El Segundo. 10/2/1985
- 1984: Collection Development in the Sciences, UC Irvine. 4/28/1984
- 1983: Patron Use of Online Databases, UCLA. 9/21/83
Last Updated:
January 24, 2014 |
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