California Clearinghouse on Library Instruction-South
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
December 3, 1999 1-3 p.m.
Present: Judy Lee, Chris Maestas, Linda McCann, Laura Smart, Susan
Tschabrun, Victoria Williamson (chair)
I. Introductions and Announcements
Tony Amodeo from Loyola Marymount University stopped by to contribute some new
pathfinders to the clearinghouse collection. He also had two suggestions for
revising the "guidelines for effective library assignments": 1) Don't ask
for periodical illustrations because it leads to vandalism, and 2) Don't ask
for "something from "the Internet". Be more specific.
II. Treasurer's report
The balance as of 12/3/99 is $3027.46.
III. Discussion Items
- Feedback from members on becoming a CARL Interest Group
Williamson presented members' comments that she had gathered via email and
at the CARL Conference in October. Two main concerns were raised: How will
we still make public librarians feel welcome in CCLI-South if we are affiliated
with CARL? And, How can we continue to give the same types of quality programs
at low cost if we can't pay librarians an honorarium? Williamson distributed
a current membership list to show that out of 95 members, 88 are affiliated
with academic libraries, four with special libraries, one with a public library,
and two did not state their affiliation. She also noted that CARL membership
is open to anyone with an interest in academic libraries; it's not limited
to academic librarians. Regarding the honorarium issue, Williamson noted that
as a CARL Interest Group, CCLI-South would still be able to reimburse librarian
speakers for travel, meals, and lodging. She will check with CARL officers
regarding honoraria for non-librarian speakers.
- Planning a Membership Survey
Williamson distributed a draft membership survey and a discussion ensued on
the pros and cons of doing a survey: the costs, the labor, and our timetable.
It was agreed to send out a ballot to current members, instead, with the winter
newsletter. Also, the group felt it will be critical to continue informing
the membership in all ways possible about the issues involved. It was decided
not to accept membership renewals until after a decision is reached about
CARL affiliation in order to avoid writing refund checks to individuals if
we do become a CARL Interest Group in 2000.
- Discarding Paper Collection of Instruction Materials like CCLI-North
Since Curator Duffy Tweedy was not in attendance to participate in discussion,
group decided to keep paper as is for now. There were no volunteers to create
an online archive.
IV. Next Meeting
C. Maestas offered to host at the Doheney campus of Mount Saint Mary's College,
near USC, on Friday, February 25. He'll confirm at a later date.
V. Winter Newsletter
Don't forget: Deadline for newsletter submissions is February 1, 2000! Send
to Laura Smart, Newsletter Editor