California Clearinghouse on Library Instruction-South

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, February 16, 1999 10:00 am-1:00 pm
UC Riverside, Science Library

Present: Nancy Getty, Judy Lee, Vicky Williamson, Jack Cooper, Teresa Omidsalar

1. Introductions

2. Announcements

N. Getty announced that the Rivera Library is under construction (seismic retrofit and renovation). It will be a three-year project. However, the library will not close during the construction project. The UC Riverside Library Webpage has information regarding the different phases of the construction, so check before coming or sending people to the Library.

N. Getty has been invited to participate in a one-day preconference for the Maryland Library Association in May 1999. The workshop she will be doing is about the theory and practice of creating interactive Web tutorials.

Duffy Tweedy and Maggie Hoolihan from UCSD are presenting a poster session at LOEX.

Thank you to Laura Smart for the wonderful job she is doing with the CCLI Newsletter.

T. Omidsalar announced there are two full-time librarian joab openings at CSU Los Angeles.

3. Treasurer's Report
4. Results of the Evaluations from the Open House.

5. Spring Program Planning

V. Williamson led the Spring Program discussion.
Location possibilities: UCSD, or Pepperdine
Date: June 4, June 11, or June 18
Time: to be determined
Topic: Web design and Web based tutorials--what works, what doesn't
Possible Speakers: Betsy Wilson, Univ. of Washington Elizabeth Du Puis, Univ. of Texas, Austin
V. Williamson will get back to us via email with more details as she has them.

6. Joint CARLDIG/CCLI Program

T. Omidsalar hoped that we could have the program at CSU Fullerton in the Fall. A previous CARLDIG program held there had been very well attended. She will speak to Sue Ellen to see if she can help with the local arrangements.

7. Tour

After the meeting was adjourned J. Cooper led a tour of the Science Library

Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.
Minutes prepared by Teresa Omidsalar.
The next meeting is scheduled for:
Friday, April 16, 1999
10:30 - 1:00
JFK Memorial Library
Conference Room B530
CSU Los Angeles

Please email Teresa Omidsalar at or call her at 323-343-3996 so she can reserve parking for you.