Present: Gale Burrow (Claremont Colleges), Nancy Getty (UC-Riverside), Chad Kahl (CSU-LA), Judy Lee (UC-Riverside), Sarah McDaniel, (USC), Elizabeth Parang (Pepperdine), Melinda Raine (Pepperdine), Debby Renfrow (National University), Amy Wallace (Claremont Colleges)
1. Open House Summary
Judy Lee drafted an article on the Open House for the CARL newsletter. Full session summaries will be posted on the sCIL-south web site. Attendees were polled regarding their interest in hosting a regional Institute for Information Literacy (IIL) Immersion Program, and the idea was met with enthusiasm.
At the time of the meeting, the CARL newsletter article was not yet drafted. I was going to draft one.
2. IIL Regional Immersion Program
3. Spring Program
There is interest in a program on active learning addressing both theory and practice. Randy Hensley, who teaches active learning for the IIL, might be a good speaker. We need to find out how many people would ideally participate in such a program: perhaps we could use deputy facilitators or small-group breakouts to deal with a larger group. USC is a possible venue. Potential dates are Friday 5/18, 6/1, 5/24-5/25, or 5/11.
4. Joint program with CARLDIG: Such a program should be postponed so we can focus on the spring program.
5. New business: None
6. Housekeeping
All meeting dates should be posted to the CARL web site. The next meeting will be held 3/9 at Cal State LA.
7. Treasurer's Report (Chad Kahl)
The treasury stands at $3,314.52, with some debits for open house costs still outstanding.
8. Minutes of 12/3/00 Meeting approved with minor revisions.
Sarah McDaniel