Present: Judy Lee (UC Riverside), Chad Kahl (CSU-LA), Deborah Moore (California Lutheran University), Gale Burrow (Claremont Colleges), Amy Wallace (Claremont Colleges), Debbi Renfrow (National University)
The treasury stands at $2,949.64.
Discussed CSU San Marcos or National Univ. as possible meeting venues for April 20, but no final decision was reached. The final decision will be posted to the mailing list.
There will be one more meeting on June 1; we will need to select dates for Fall 2001. Since we have the proposed joint program with CARL-DIG, September 14th was decided upon as the first Fall meeting date to allow for ample time. The remainder of Fall meeting dates can be determined in September.
Gale suggested that the meeting times should remain constant, so 10:30-1:00 stands as the regular meeting time.
Gale will work with Judy on changing the CCLI bylaws to the sCIL bylaws to fit our needs and to make sure they fit in the CARL structure. They will try to have something to discuss and vote on for the April or June meeting.
Judy's initial thinking is to keep the positions of chair, vice-chair, secretary, web master, and change treasurer to program registrar type position. Also, the newsletter editor might be changed into a public relations person responsible for getting things into CARL newsletter, getting things into sCIL web site, etc.
Judy proposed having officer elections in the fall because the officers don't have to take office until January. However, due to questions about whether we have to do the elections at the same time as all of CARL and whether we should do them earlier so people can plan out their year, Judy will check on these issues before a final decision is made.
Judy has the text copy of what she submitted to the CARL newsletter for anyone to see. Summaries of the different panels were sent to Duffy to put on the web site.
Gale talked to Randy Hensley, and May 18 is a good date. Gale asked for deadline dates to give to Randy so we can get final arrangements completed. We need information on equipment needs, title or topic of the presentation, a description, the number of people he can accommodate, and type of presentation (hands-on, lecture). March 19 was agreed upon as the deadline.
It was decided that we need to set aside $2000 to cover his costs (honoraria, travel, hotel, food) based on costs for last year's spring program. Claremont Colleges may share some of the travel costs since Randy may do a program there also.
It was decided that last year's registration fee of $30.00 was a bargain, but it was too low to cover program costs adequately. This year, we will look at the real costs and may have to charge as much as $50.00 for registration and higher amounts for nonmembers of CARL.
Possible locations for the program are: Pomona Valley Mining Co., CSU Fullerton, the Marriott, and Chapman Univ. Gale will check on the feasibility of various locations.
As soon as we know the topic, we can send out emails telling people to save the date, more details to follow.
We discussed publicizing with a web site and emails. People will still send in a form and a check. To manage registration, we should set a postmark deadline for registering, post the registered members' names on the web site, and set clear wait-list guidelines so we can minimize the number of people who just show up at the door.
Gale contacted Carolyn Radcliff at Kent State and is waiting for info from her on what we need to know about applying. We cannot make the deadline for hosting a 2002 regional program, so we are now shooting for 2003. Judy reported that the CARL board is very interested in the sCIL proposal and want to hear more at the June meeting. They understand we want their support for this program. We need a proposal by June, in time to discuss and vote on our proposal at their Board meeting so they could give us their decision. This timing is to allow us ample time to plan on the expenditure of our treasury should they opt not to sponsor a regional Immersion program.
We need to look at the application (on the web site) and think about a host institution. Deb suggested California Lutheran Univ. or Loyola Marymount's new facility and will check on the feasibility of doing this for Summer 2003. It was decided that we post an email to the sCIL list to ask for other possible locations (not sure who will do this).
Deb will gather information for the Immersion Regional proposal for the June CARL meeting. We should have several possible locations by June, an idea of the possible dates and costs, and an idea of the areas of responsibility that need to be taken care of. Judy will find out date and location of CARL board meeting in June.
Judy reported about CARL positions which are currently open:
Vice-President for Southern Region (3-yrs), Secretary (1 yr), Membership chair (3 yrs), Director-at-Large: Southern Interest Group Coordinator (2 yrs), Director-at-Large: Northern Campus Liaison Coordinator (2 yrs). This year, nominations for Directors must come from a Private Institution and a Comm. College. Also, the CARL Member of the Year/Research Award is open now.
The 2002 CARL Conference will again be at Asilomar, on May 9-12. sCIL can have a pre-conference at Asilomar.
For the future, there's a Program Financial Summary Form on the web which all Interest Groups should submit after they do a program. Finally, we can maintain our own web site on our own server.
In addition to thinking about doing Immersion Regional Program, Gale suggested we think about doing LOEX of the West here. LOEX of the West 2002 is at Univ. of Oregon in Eugene. The next one is 2004.
Judy reported that Duffy has designed a new web site (go to the sCIL web site and change the URL to index2.html). Duffy wants to know if he should go with the new look. Everyone is asked to email Duffy < > with responses so he knows whether to devote time to making the rest of the site look like that.
Gale brought up that CCLI used to do meetings first and then a discussion afterwards. A topic would be announced ahead of time and then the group would discuss it. Gale suggested we could have the discussion in the morning, eat lunch, and then the officers could meet after lunch for the business meeting. One or two people could lead the discussion. It was decided we could try this for the June meeting as a follow-up for the Spring program.