SCIL Meeting

Friday, April 4, 2003
Center for Faculty Development, University Library
California State University, Long Beach



Gale Burrow (Claremont Colleges), Stephanie Davis-Kahl (UC Irvine), Katy Farrell (UC San Diego), Chad Kahl (Cal State LA), Tracey Mayfield (CSU Long Beach), Rosemary McGill (CSU Fullerton), Deborah Moore (Glendale Community College), Debbi Renfrow (National University), Tifanni Travis (CSU Long Beach), Amy Wallace (UC San Diego), Carol Womack (Santa Monica Community College)

I. Welcome and Introductions

II. Agenda Approval/Adjustment

    Agenda approved with no additions.

III. Minutes

    Minutes approved. Amy Wallace will send the minutes to Duffy Tweedy to post them on the SCIL Website.

IV. Old/Continuing Business

A. Spring program

Location (contact person, costs, etc.). Prior to the meeting no location had been set. Tracey Mayfield booked the Center for Faculty Development at CSU Long Beach during the meeting. Tracey will look into food and other related costs.

Timeline. The program will have one interactive session in the morning and one interactive session in the afternoon. A tentative schedule was discussed. 9:00-9:30 for registration and continental breakfast, 9:30-9:45 for the welcome, 9:45-11:00 for Ilene’s talk, 11:00-11:15 for a break, 11:15-12:00 for an interactive session, 12:00-1:30 for lunch, 1:30-2:45 for the panel, 2:45-3:15 for an interactive session, 3:15-3:30 for a wrap-up.

Volunteers needed to read panelist proposals. The submissions will no doubt determine the theme for the afternoon panel and interactive session. Submissions will go to Nancy Getty. Gale Burrow and Deb Moore volunteered to read the submissions.

Volunteers needed to plan for interactive session. Will be easier to plan once the panel is finalized. Amy Wallace, Stephanie Davis-Kahl, Tracey Mayfield, and Tiffani Travis volunteered to create the interactive sessions. Tiffani and Amy also volunteered to lead the interactive sessions.

Publicity (especially the date change). The registration deadline will be what has been received by Monday May 5th. Chad Kahl will send a draft flyer to Debbi Renfrow to send out to various listserves and to Duffy Tweedy to post to the website by next week before he leaves for ACRL. Tracey Mayfield will get Chad Kahl any necessary cost estimates.

B. Joint Programs

Gale Burrow sent around a reminder about the joint program. SCIL will be co-hosting a program with SEAL-South and CARLDIG titled, "Integrating Information Literacy into the disciplines: Is Science Different?" CARL-DIG will do the registration. SCIL will do publicity to all lists but CARL DIG and SEAL. For more information on the program go to: Deb Moore will be our official representative at the joint program.

Gale Burrow is also still working on plans for a joint program with ABLE to be held in the fall. She and Ann Fiegan from CSU San Marcos will be talking over the next few months.

C. Follow-up based on Open House evaluations

Gale Burrow distributed a summary of the Open House evaluations. Participants liked that the open house is practical, that presenters had lots of handouts, the variety of topics covered, and the opportunity to network with peers. Several people commented that they wished the open house was longer so that they could attend all of the presentations. A suggestion was made to move up the time and lengthen the registration so that participants would have more time to network. A suggestion was made to put a description of the presentations on the website before the open house so that participants would be more informed about the session content and better able to choose a session to attend. Suggestions were made to also post the agenda, list of attendees, speaker information, and speaker hand outs on the website prior to the event.

D. Call for SCIL Event Hosts

Gale Burrow handed around the draft call for people/institutions to host future SCIL Events. The draft call was followed by information that will be placed on the website to help people determine if their site would be good for hosting events. The email and information to go on the website was approved by the board. Gale Burrow will send a copy of Debbi Renfrow for publicity and Duffy Tweedy to post on the website.

E. Regional Immersion 2004

The dates will be July 22-27, 2004. The Regional Immersion site will be Claremont..

Brainstormed next steps and things to think about:

V. New Business

  1. Elections
  2. Elections will take place in May. It was suggested that the Past-President chair the nominations committee. Gale Burrow will ask Judy Lee. Need to have slate ready by May 2nd Meeting.

  3. Review by-laws
  4. It was suggested that it might be a good thing to review the SCIL bylaws each year, so we can get any changes on the ballot. For example, if we would like to have the Past-President serve as the Nominations Chair and/or mentor new officers. We need a better history of who has served in which positions on the website. We need to standardize documents like registration forms so we do not need to keep creating them over and over. Gale Burrow will send out a reminder to the group that we need to look over the bylaws for any needed changes.

  5. Input for the CARL Newsletter

Need to write up the Spring Program. Need to get official word so that we can put information about the Regional Immersion in the CARL Newsletter.


VI. Round Robin

Debbi Renfrow has taken a position at UC Riverside as Coordinator of Instruction and Information Literacy.

Tracey Mayfield asked about the models people were using to coordinate instruction at their institutions. The answers were all over the map. She also asked what software people were using to schedule library instruction. CSU Long Beach is using ReadySoft and they really like it. The software allows for both Faculty and Librarian initiated requests, which can be mapped to a subject specialty. The request must then be approved by a librarian before it is confirmed. CSU Long Beach is using it for both classes and consultations. The software even keeps statistics.

Tracey Mayfield gave a presentation at TechEd in Ontario, CA about using software to move between html and word documents so people can edit content in either format. Tracey Mayfield also gave a presentation to the Society for College and University Planners.

Amy Wallace has taken a position at CSU Channel Islands as Head of Public Services.

Deb Moore gave a presentation on Information Literacy in Community College Libraries for the Council of Chief Librarians and the Santa Rosa Community College District. While giving the talk she found out that other community college librarians are modeling their workshops on the Model at Glendale Community College.

The topic was raised about SCIL becoming more of a clearinghouse for instructional materials as it had been as CCLI. The topic will be further explored at the next meeting.

VII. Adjournment

The next meeting will be on Friday May 2nd at Amy Wallace’s house.