SCIL Meeting Minutes

Friday, May 2, 2003
Amy Wallace’s House



Gale Burrow (Claremont Colleges), Chad Kahl (Cal State LA), Tracey Mayfield (CSU Long Beach), Rosemary McGill (CSU Fullerton), Deborah Moore (Glendale Community College), Melanie Remy (USC), Debbi Renfrow (UC Riverside), Amy Wallace (UC San Diego), Emily Woolery (Mt. San Antonio College), Carol Womack (Santa Monica College)


I. Welcome and Introductions

II. Agenda Approval/Adjustment

Agenda approved with the addition of a follow-up from the SCIL/SEAL/CARL-DIG joint program.

III. Minutes

Minutes approved. Amy Wallace will send the minutes to Duffy Tweedy so that he can post them on the SCIL Website.

IV. Old/Continuing Business

Spring program

Deb Moore handed out a draft of the Spring Program schedule handout. Many suggestions were made. Deb will incorporate the suggestions into the handout and send out the revised handout to the advisory board for comments.

Deadline to register for the Spring Program is currently Monday May 5th. Chad will extend the deadline on Monday.

Deb Moore will pick a veggie box lunch and an assortment of meat box lunches. She will contact the speakers to find out their equipment needs. We will definitely need a microphone, overhead, and 2 projectors with two screens. No Internet will be available. She will communicate all equipment needs to Tracey Mayfield. She will create the evaluation forms. She will also send all updated information about the program to Duffy so that he can update the SCIL Website.

Gale Burrow will make copies and put together the program folders.

Gale Burrow will give the welcome and Deb Moore will introduce the program.

There have been discussions between the volunteers to create the morning and afternoon activities, but nothing has been finalized yet. The group suggested a morning activity to focus on where you are now, and an afternoon activity that focused on where you want to go. The group thought that it would be nice for the afternoon session to focus on the four areas that the panelists will discuss (Planning, Outreach, Incorporating IL into Teaching, Evaluation). The group suggested 4 interactive activities that people could choose. Focus on strategies and a timeline, and include an ease/impact chart. The color of the interactive session worksheet will correspond to the table tent color. Amy Wallace agreed to mock up a morning activity and four afternoon activities.

Deb Moore will do the wrap-up.

Melanie will write-up the program. She will send the article to Suellen Cox and Christina Woo. Her article will also be posted to the SCIL Website. At the program reports will be solicited from the groups that participate in the afternoon activity and be posted to the SCIL Website

Regional Immersion 2004

Deb Moore handed out a draft of a promotional flyer for the regional immersion. Many suggestions were made. Deb will incorporate the suggestions into the flyer and send out the revised flyer to the advisory board for comments.

Amy Wallace will use the promotional flyer to create a short article for the CARL Newsletter. She will send the article to Christina Woo and Suellen Cox.

Deb Moore also handed out a list of potential assignments and committees for the regional immersion. Start thinking about how you would like to help.


Call for nominations went out. Have three people for Secretary, one for program registrar, and a maybe for chair elect. Email Gale if you are interested. Nominations need to be in by May 9, 2003.

Review by-laws

Gale handed out the bylaws. All mentions of sCIL will be changed to SCIL. Article III, Section III is not clear on how the group makes decisions. "Decisions will be made by consensus of the steering committee." Also "appointed positions will be made by the steering committee" will be added. It was also decided that the past chair will chair the Nominations Committee, and that the Nominations Committee will consist of three SCIL members. Gale will make the revisions and send the draft bylaws out to the group for any additional revisions before they are placed on the ballot with the election nominations.

Follow-up from the SCIL/SEAL/CARL-DIG Program

Both Deb Moore and Chad Kahl reported that the program was very good. Chad promoted the SCIL Spring Program at the event. Deb wrote up the program for our website and the CARL newsletter. It was suggested that we make sure SCIL has a clear idea of what their role will be when volunteering to help with a joint program. The SCIL role was not clearly defined at the SCIL/SEAL/CARL-DIG Program, which created confusion. The board suggested a checklist be created so things do not fall through the cracks.

V. New Business

No new business.

VI. Round Robin

Debbi Renfrow’s new email is

Cesar Caballero is the new AUL at CSU Los Angeles.

Carol Womack at Santa Monica College will offer an online course this summer that focuses on getting faculty to incorporate IL into their courses and the curriculum.

Deb Moore discussed how faculty support for library instruction was increasing at her institution, and there are not enough staff to teach the IL classes. She mentioned that the library used the phrase "research across the curriculum" instead of "information literacy" to make more sense to faculty.

Deb Moore was a presenter at an extremely popular session on "Integrating Information Literacy into the Curriculum on a Shoestring Budget" at ACRL.

Melanie Remy was a presenter at an extremely popular session on "Information Commons" at ACRL.

VII. Adjournment

The next meeting will be on Friday June 6th from 10:30am — 2pm at the Libraries of The Claremont Colleges. It will be a potluck.