SCIL Meeting Minutes

Friday, November 21, 2003
10:30 a.m.

Honnold/Mudd Library
Claremont, CA



Celia Brockenbrough (RCC — Norco Campus), Gale Burrow (Claremont Colleges), April Cunningham (National University), Lynn Lampert (CSU Northridge), Judy Lee (UC Riverside), Rosemary McGill (CSU Fullerton), Deborah Moore (Glendale Community College), Melanie Remy (USC), Debbi Renfrow (UC Riverside), Duffy Tweedy (UC San Diego), Chisa Uyeki (CSU Los Angeles), Marlo Young (UC San Diego), and Emily Woolery (Mt. SAC).

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Agenda Approval/Adjustment
  3. Agenda approved without adjustment.

  4. Minutes
  5. Minutes were approved electronically. Duffy Tweedy will post the minutes to the website.

  6. Continuing Business
    1. Winter Open House
    2. Winter Open House will be held on Friday, January 30, at CSU Fullerton. To allow for longer sessions, the group decided on the following schedule:

      9:00 — 9:30 Arrival

      9:30 — 9:45 Welcome

      9:50 — 10:50 Session 1

      10:55 — 11:55 Session 2

      12:00 — 1:00 Session 3

      1:00 — 1:15 Wrap-Up

      We hope to have four speakers that will give their presentations twice. Christina Woo (UC Irvine) is still available, but Pam Baker (CSU Monterey Bay) declined being a speaker because she is doing the same session at the CARL Conference. Judy Lee contacted Michael Yonezawa (UC Riverside), who submitted topic suggestions from CARL’s Information Technology Interest Group. Deborah Moore also created a call for proposals, which the group reviewed. Deborah will revise the document and e-mail it to the group for further review. Once approved, Debbi Renfrow will send it to the CARL list. Proposals must be e-mailed to Deborah Moore by December 10, and SCIL will accept or reject the proposals by December 19. Gale Burrow, April Cunningham, Melanie Remy, and Emily Woolery will review the proposals before the December 12 SCIL meeting, so they can give their input at that meeting.

      A "save the date" notice has already been sent to the CARL newsletter and list. A full announcement will be sent to the list after SCIL’s December 12 meeting. Registration is due to Lynn Lampert with a January 21 postmark, and checks must be made to CARL. Lynn will update Duffy Tweedy, so that Duffy can create a web page that lists attendees.

      Lynn Lampert suggested that we turn the program into a publication for either Reference Services Review or Research Strategies. Marlo Young also opened discussion on whether Winter Open House is an effective name for this event. According to Duffy Tweedy, the name dates back to CCLI, when they actually had an open house at UCLA. The group agreed to have further discussions on these topics.

    3. CARL Preconference
    4. The group referred back to Melanie Remy’s document that lists tasks we need to accomplish; she distributed this document at the October 31 meeting. The group feels that soliciting speakers is a priority, so we brainstormed a few potential speakers. We also discussed some content issues, such as the activities, modeling presentation styles, using gadgets, etc. Melanie will get in touch with the Preconference planning committee members and will report back at the December 12 meeting. She will also contact the potential speakers about their interest and availability. Finally, Judy Lee recommended that we need to determine our equipment needs.

    5. 2004 California Regional Immersion

      Gale Burrow has already received questions about whether non-Californians can apply for Immersion. The group confirmed that priority is given to California librarians. We must decide whether we will create our own wait list or use the wait list from the National Immersion Program.

      Debbi Renfrow created California Immersion flyers and bookmarks that SCIL members can distribute at upcoming meetings and programs. Debbi will coordinate with Duffy Tweedy on getting master copies of these items on the website, so members can print them as needed.

      Gale Burrow learned that we do not need to charge ACRL and non-ACRL fees, but we could give an early bird registration fee at a discount. We decided not to offer a discount, as we could not give a significant discount.

      Gale also reported that Margot Sutton’s ACRL group would like to see and approve our fundraising plan, so Nancy Getty and Connie Costantino need to develop a plan of potential sponsors and the amount of money they want to raise.

      The group discussed what needs to be addressed. By February 2, the Application Review Committee needs to develop a rubric for the application and scholarship requests. By early March we must develop a registration plan, including where to send the checks — to Lynn Lampert or CARL? We should probably talk with Ron Rodriguez about budget issues. Finally, we need to finalize entertainment and local arrangements.


  7. New Business
    1. Publicizing SCIL projects/events in LOEX publications

      Deborah Moore reported that we can publish articles in LOEX Currents and LOEX News. It should not be a "we did this" article, but something more practical. There may be room in the spring issue of LOEX News, so Melanie Remy will write a short article. Melanie will send a proposal to Deb Biggs Moore on what the article will cover.


  8. Round Robin
  9. There was no round robin discussion.

  10. Adjournment

The next meeting will be on Friday, December 12, at UC San Diego.


Recorded by Emily Woolery