3, 2003
University of Redlands
Redlands, CA
Gale Burrow (Claremont Colleges), Connie Costantino, April Cunningham (National University), Judith Downie (CSU San Marcos), Katy Farrell (UC San Diego), Angelynn King (Redlands), Judy Lee (UC Riverside), Deborah Moore (Glendale Community College), Melanie Remy (USC), Debbi Renfrow (UC Riverside), Duffy Tweedy (UC San Diego), Amy Wallace (CSU Channel Islands), and Emily Woolery (Mt. SAC).
I. Welcome and Introductions
II. Agenda Approval/Adjustment
III. Minutes
Minutes were approved electronically. Duffy Tweedy posted the minutes to the website.
A. ABLE/SCIL Program
The joint program will be held October 24, 2003 from 9am 2pm at CSU Northridge. There will be four teams presenting on collaboration between librarians and business faculty. Lunch and the ABLE business meeting will follow. The program planning group is still tinkering with the agenda to fit everything into four hours. Melanie is making sure all the basics are covered including an agenda, hands-on activity, and evaluation.
One side conversation that came out of this discussion is to check to see if CARL has a program planning checklist. Judy Lee will check to see if there is a program planning checklist on the CARL website.
B. LOEX 2007
The SCIL Board agreed that 2007 would be a good year for the group to volunteer to host a LOEX Conference. Deb Moore will let Deb Biggs know that SCIL would be interested in hosting the conference. Deb will offer Southern California as the location, and if that is not specific enough she will offer San Diego.
C. CARL Preconference
Melanie Remy will be our lead on the CARL Preconference Program. The SCIL proposal has been sent to the CARL Preconference Planning Team. Once the program is accepted Melanie will put out a call to SCIL members to get involved with the pre-conference.
D. 2004 California Regional Immersion
Deb Gilchrist (on the behalf of Washington State librarians who interested in submitting a proposal for a regional in 2005) asked if she could get a copy of the SCIL Regional Immersion Proposal. The board agreed that a copy of the proposal should be sent to Deb. Judy Lee will send a print and electronic copy of the proposal to Deb.
Gale Burrow distributed an email from Margot Sutton detailing ACRL commitment and costs for the regional immersion. Gale will ask CARL about insurance.
Gale Burrow passed out a summary of the committee reports.
The Activity Committee reported that some of their original ideas had been thrown out because the venues were not available on the needed dates. The committee has compiled several cost estimates, which will give the board a ballpark estimate of the cost for each activity. Two new ideas included artist Peter Tigler for the opening reception and using the CGU House and going to the Claremont Concert in the Park for the Fun Evening. The activity committee will have several proposals and costs for the next meeting.
The website committee presented several different design options, which the board voted on.
The Application Committee developed a timeline for the application process. The proposed application deadline will be February 2, 2004 with notifications likely going out in early March. The invitation to apply will go out in mid-November. Applicants will be asked to submit application form, letter from library director or supervisor, personal statement, and CV. The committee is currently working on the specifics for the letter of reference. The committee will also create a draft invitation to apply and the application. The application committee will also propose names for a committee to read applications. Interested parties were asked to contact Deb Moore.
Three new committees will be formed (application readers, local arrangements, and registration).
All committee reports will be posted to the website.
A. Future Meetings
Friday October 31 UC Riverside
Friday November 21 Claremont
Friday December 12 UC San Diego
Gale Burrow will send the "suggest a venue" form to Duffy Tweedy for the website.
B. Winter Open House
Date for the Winter Open House will be January 23rd or January 30th. Ideas include working with faculty to develop good library assignments and constructivist learning. Deb Moore will contact speakers that have already sent in proposals. An open call will go out for additional proposals once the theme has been finalized.
VI. Round Robin
There was not much time for Round Robin. Angelynn King mentioned that University of Redlands has a librarian position open. Judith announced that CSU San Marcos plans to open the new library when the campus begins its new academic term January 20, 2004. Plans are being made for a Grand Opening celebration sometime in the first week of March, 2004.
VII. Adjournment
The next meeting will be on Friday October 31 at UC Riverside.
Recorded by Amy Wallace