March 26, 2004
California State University, San Marcos
San Marcos, CA
Connie Costantino, April Cunningham (National University), Judith Downie (CSU San Marcos), Nancy Getty (Glendale Community College), Deborah Moore (Glendale Community College), Melanie Remy (USC), Amy Wallace (CSU Channel Islands).
I. Welcome and Introductions
II. Agenda Approval/Adjustment
III. Minutes
Minutes were approved electronically and posted on the website.
IV. Continuing Business
57 applications have been received for Immersion, and more applications are on the way. Deb Moore handed out cost sheets for Immersion, which had been adjusted to include the reduced cost of using Honnold/Mudd Library at Claremont for many sessions and events. Deb Moore will also be working with Gale Burrow to investigate other ways to reduce costs. She will also contact ACRL to see if there is any way they could pass on any cost reduction to us. Nancy Getty handed out sponsor letter templates, and will draft a follow-up letter. Nancy will send the sponsorship letter template and follow-up letter templates to all those who agreed to solicit sponsors. Deb Moore reminded the board that we still need content for the Immersion website (travel and local transportation, faqs, something like the national info sheet, emergency contact info). Deb Moore will ask the faculty if they would like to see the applications before the immersion. If you have any other ideas on Immersion let Deb know.
Melanie Remy reported 40 people were signed up for the pre-conference. She has made arrangements for equipment and has provided a list of speakers/facilitators and their affiliations to CARL. Keynote speaker, Paul Adalian, was sent a list of the draft activities. Both he and afternoon speakers, Katy Farrell and Marlo Young are all set for the pre-conference. There will be a technology showcase. All speakers, facilitators, and participants will be encouraged to bring a technology that they use in their classes. Melanie Remy will send out this information and start a list of those who are interested in participating in the technology showcase. Following the SCIL Board Meeting the pre-conference planning committee will meet to finalize details and activities.
V. New Business
This project will be put off until after Immersion. Amy Wallace will look to see if some thing like this was ever created for SCIL. She has the binders that have been passed down from Secretary to Secretary.
The board saw no need to create a reflector list for the advisory board. Members should just keep there personal email lists up to date.
VI. Round Robin
There was no Round Robin discussion. Instead the board toured the new CSU San Marcos Library. The CARL Pre-conference planning committee also met to finalize all details and activities for the pre-conference.
VII. Adjournment
The next meeting will be on Friday April 30th at CSU Fullerton.
Recorded by Amy Wallace