SCIL Meeting Minutes

October 14, 2005
Soka University of America
Aliso Viejo, CA



Eric Berlin (Chapman University), April Cunningham (Saddleback College), Avril Cunningham (CSU Pomona), Katy Farrell (UC San Diego), Nancy Getty (Glendale Community College), Catherine Haras (CSU Los Angles), Maryann Hight (Soka University of America), Lynn Lampert (CSU Northridge), Tracey Mayfield (CSU Long Beach), Deb Moore (Glendale Community College), Don Page (CSU Pomona), Melanie Remy (University of Southern California), Stacy Russo (CSU Fullterton),   Elisa Slater (Loyola Marymount University), Chisa Uyeki (CSU Los Angeles)  

I.              Welcome and Introductions

II.            Agenda Approval/Adjustment

III.         Minutes

September Minutes were approved electronically and Duffy Tweedy posted them to the website.  Maryann Hight is taking the minutes for Emily this month.

IV.          Continuing Business

A.   Announcements:

Chisa Uyeki announced that she is the Chair of the CARL Scholarship Committee and asks that the SCIL membership nominate any deserving library students who are currently CARL members, for a scholarship to the CARL conference in April.  

Deb Moore has been nominated to serve on the CARL Board as Director at Large for Community Colleges.  Maryann Hight has been nominated to serve as Director at Large for Private Universities, and Tracy Mayfield is running for CARL Vice President of the South.  

B.    SCIL Elections Update  

Nominations have been made for the SCIL Board, and letters will go out the week of October 17.  Statements and biographies are due from candidates by Friday, October 21. Only SCIL members can vote, and the winners will take over on January 1, 2006.  

C.   Bylaw Changes  

The language in the SCIL bylaws is being updated by board members. The changes will be voted on by SCIL members at the same time as the new officers are elected.  

D.   SCIL Works 2006 Update  

It has been determined the location for SCIL Works 2006 will be CSU San Marcos. Katy Farrell reported that arrangements are being made. A call for proposals has gone out, but none have been received. Katy will ask Debbi Renfrow to send out another notice. Proposals are due October 24th.  

Discussion about registration for this event: 

Lynn Lampert emphasized the necessity of a waiting list and a cancellation policy. All the information should be on the website. Previous problems have included the time lag between when people send their checks in and when they are cashed. This results from a CARL policy which requires that all the financial arrangements be done at one time. Lynn will check to see if this can be amended.

The registration deadline is January 20th, 2006.  We will wait to announce registration until after the SCIL election so the new Program Registrar can handle this, with LynnÕs generous help!

Presenters will be notified after November 2nd, and Lynn will contact Debbi Renfrow to do another Save-The-Date announcement after that.  

Suggested fees for this event:

CARL members--$15

Non-CARL --$20

Library Students--$7.50  

Before fees are set, we will get more information about expenses. Katy suggests that the fees for the host-coordinators and the SCIL coordinators be waived. Everyone agrees.  

SCIL will not provide photocopying for presenters. This information will be communicated to the presenters. Any handouts or presentations can be put on the SCIL website.  

E.    LOEX 2007 Update  

We need to articulate the theme and identify 2 speakers. The ÒfeaturedÓ and ÒkeynoteÓ speakers will need to be booked by May 2006.  

Lynn reported on the discussion regarding SCIL and LOEX from the CARL board meeting. The CARL Executive Board has asked that SCIL submit a more detailed budget review because we are asking CARL to sponsor some part of LOEX.  

Discussion of sponsorship—SCIL can probably count on the big vendors such as Proquest to provide some funding. We should all be thinking about contacts we have with others for funding. It is probably too early to solicit funds, but we could get letters of commitment and establish contacts. Deb Moore suggested that we discuss this with LOEX Director Theresa Valko and that vendors may be able to send donations directly to LOEX for this event.  

Theme for LOEX  

In order to come up with a good theme, for the next meeting SCIL members are asked to:  

  1. Identify themes about learning and instruction in the current literature.
  2. Come up with a list of questions we would like answered when we go to a conference.
  3. What are some regional issues from various parts of the country?
  4. What do we as librarians need to learn to do our jobs? What do we need to thrive?
  5. How are the needs of students changing?
  6. How does the library plan to serve the whole student?
  7. How do students use information? What do they want?  

Catherine makes a most excellent suggestion that we consider bringing in a demographer to speak to some of these issues.  

Three possible speakers were mentioned:  

Please email answers to these questions to Melanie Remy by November 28th.  

F.    New SCIL Logo  

Since Duffy is not here, we will delay this discussion until next meeting. November 18th is the deadline for submission. Details are on the website.  

G.   Miscellaneous  

Tracey MayfieldÕs official title for LOEX is Conference Communications Coordinator and she will work with the SCIL Publicist.  

Debbi Renfrow is currently SCIL Publicist, an appointed position. She wants to step down in 2006.  Please be thinking about possible replacements. The SCIL Chair will appoint a new publicist and appoint (or reappoint) a webmaster to start January 1, 2006.  

V. New Business  

  1. Spring Program  

The 2006 Spring Program will be the responsibility of the new Vice-Chair. Planning needs to start soon, and we need a theme.  

Katy will ask Dr. Jeff Liles to come back and do a follow-up on his previous program. He was very popular.


  1. Next Meeting  

The December 2nd meeting will be held at CSULB


Round Robin
