SCIL Meeting Minutes


October 27, 2006

Saddleback College

Mission Viejo, CA





April Cunningham (Saddleback College), Julie Davis (Golden West College), Katy French (Palomar College), Nancy Getty (Glendale College), Catherine Haras (CSU Los Angeles), Shana Higgins (University of Redlands), Maryann Hight (Soka University), Robin Lockerby (National University), Deb Moore (Glendale College), Val Ontell (Mesa College), Donald Page (Cal Poly Pomona), Debbi Renfrow (UC Riverside), Stacy Russo (CSU Fullerton), Jeanine Scaramozzino (UC Irvine), Marsha Schnirring (Occidental College), Pauline Schwartz (Mt. San Antonio College), Elisa Slater (Loyola Marymount University), Dominique Turnbow (UC San Diego), Duffy Tweedy (UC San Diego), Amy Wallace (CSU Channel Islands), Kimberly Wilcox (Azusa Pacific University)



I.          Welcome and Introductions


II.         Agenda Approval/Adjustment


III.        Minutes


September minutes were approved electronically and Duffy Tweedy posted them to the SCIL website.


IV.        Announcements


V.         Continuing Business


A.         SCIL Works 07

i.          SCIL Works 07 is scheduled for Feb. 2, 2007 at Cal Poly Pomona.  The

welcome will start at 9:00am and the program will run from 9:30am to 1:30pm.


ii.          Eight proposals were received and 3 were accepted.  The presenters who proposed the other 5 presentations have been invited to give posters.  Two of the presentations will concern classroom management techniques for on-site classes and one will concern management issues for an online class.  Registration fees will be around $15 for CARL members.


B.         SCIL Fall 06 Elections

The following SCIL members have accepted nominations and are running for these SCIL offices:

Vice Chair / Chair Elect: Maryann Hight and Dominique Turnbow

Registrar: Nancy Getty, Stacy Russo, and Marsha Schnirring

Secretary: April Cunningham and Shana Higgins

Elections will run from Nov 1-15 and votes can only be cast by current SCIL members.  Results will be announced before the end of November.


            C.         LOEX 2007 Planning


i.                Call for proposals and proposal selection
Proposals for presentations and panels are being accepted until the Nov 10 deadline.  Proposers will be notified via email on Nov 17 that their proposals were received.  Groups of reviewers have been selected to make suggestions for proposal acceptance.  Reviewers will meet in Nov and Dec.  Up to 7 student posters will be accepted.  The deadline for poster proposals is Jan 19.

ii.               Keynote Speakers
Pat Wolfe has been scheduled as the Friday morning keynote speaker for the general session.  A faculty panel is being developed by Katy French for the Saturday morning general session.  This panel will consist of non-librarian faculty who teach information literacy/competency concepts in their courses in various disciplines and settings.  They will describe their experiences and offer insight on how their work relates to library-based instruction. 

iii.              Registration

The registration fee has been set at $290.  A maximum of 10 library students may attend at a rate of $95 each.  We have a limit of 280 attendees.  This total includes presenters and all LOEX representatives.  LOEX suggests opening registration on Feb 9.

iv.             Registration for Volunteers

Those who are volunteering to help with LOEX planning and with facilities during the conference are greatly appreciated but are not guaranteed registration at the conference and will not receive any reduction in the registration fee in return for their volunteer work.


v.              Minority scholarship
Tracey Mayfield will continue to gather the necessary information regarding plans for the Minority Scholarship.  Some parameters and application guidelines will be set by SCIL representatives to be determined.


D.         SCIL Description on CARL Website

Dominique Turnbow and Catherine Haras will review the description of SCIL for the SCIL and CARL websites and will draft proposed revisions.


E.         Next Meeting


Dec 8, 10:30am-1pm, Cal State San Marcos


VI.        New Business

Assessment Repository


Discussion continued regarding the Assessment Repository project that was suggested informally at the Sep SCIL meeting.  Submissions are encouraged and can be sent to Allie Carr.  The examples received as submissions will be the basis for developing categories and additional submission guidelines at the next SCIL meeting.

VII.       Round Robin

VIII.      Adjournment



Minutes recorded by April Cunningham.