SCIL Meeting Minutes
July 25, 2008
California State University, Channel Islands
Camarillo, CA
Lia Freedman (UC San Diego), April Cunningham (Saddleback College), Stephanie Rosenblatt (CSU Fullerton), Judy Lee (UC Riverside), Elisa Slater (Loyola Marymount University), Gayatri Singh (UC San Diego), Leanne Hindmarch (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo), Debi Hoffmann (CSU Channel Islands), Sally Bryant (Pepperdine University), Pauline Swartz (Mt. San Antonio College), Marsha Schnirring (Occidental College), Nikki Julian (USC), Caroline Bordinaro (CSU Dominguez Hills), Elizabeth Parang (Pepperdine University), David McFadden (Southwestern Law), Christina Cicchetti (UC Riverside), Donna Bentley (University of La Verne), Billy Pashaie (Cypress College), Kimberly Embleton (CSU Northridge), Eric Garcia (CSU Northridge), Ailya Rose (SBB College), Kimberley Wilcox (Azusa Pacific University), Amy Wallace (CSU Channel Islands), Dominique Turnbow (UC San Diego)
Welcome & Introductions
a. The meeting was preceded by a tour of the new Broome Library.
b. Meeting was chaired by Dominique Turnbow.
April 2008 Minutes
a. Minutes are posted on the SCIL web site: minutes approved
Announcements and Updates
a. ACRL proposal update: Dominique submitted SCIL’s proposal for the 2009 Association of College and Research Libraries conference. The proposal is aimed at new librarians and focuses on avoiding burnout. Notification about whether or not the proposal was accepted will come in August; Dominique will announce the results to the SCIL steering listserv and will solicit additional help as needed.
b. SCIL lists update: Duffy is working on moving SCIL’s listservs over to CARL server. Only the SCIL steering list has moved at this point. The main SCIL list will be migrated as soon as some unforeseen technical problems are overcome.
Continuing Business
a. Spring Program evaluations: Evaluations were handed out and were generally favorable. Duffy and April will post general information about the program on the SCIL web site. Toni Davies’ presentation materials will not be posted online, but Toni Davies will email them to SCIL members upon request. Toni has also offered to provide individual Kaizen consultations via email for Spring Program attendees.
b. Spring Program numbers: 37 CARL members, 3 students; $2540 revenue; meals $1134.50; speaker honorarium $1000; SCIL made a profit of $405.50.
New Business
a. SCIL programs, weekdays vs. weekends? Discussion about whether SCIL should hold programs on Saturdays rather than Fridays. Ideas: send out online survey to SCIL members seeking opinions about Saturday programs; experiment with a Saturday program and see what happens; offer virtual conference or online archive of presentations. A discussion ensued about offering online access to programs. SCIL will send out a survey to SCIL members about interest in online programs.
b. SCIL Works planning: Discussion of theme ideas: dealing with paradigm shifts (strategies); recovering from failed ideas/programs. Most attendees liked the idea of a program about dealing with paradigm shifts, and incorporating new approaches to current practice.
c. SCIL letter to support IL course at UCLA: April Cunningham reported on an email she received from Joan Kaplowitz, a retired UCLA librarian. UCLA’s library school offers an information literacy instruction class once a year, but the course will not be offered this year because of budget constraints. April would like SCIL to write a letter of support for the course to encourage UCLA to continue to offer it. There was a discussion about what the letter should include; most agreed that SCIL should write the letter and that it should mention how many institutions have had open positions recently that require instruction skills, as well as how many CARL members have expressed interest in instruction-related programs. Dominique and April will write a draft of the letter and send it to the steering listserv to solicit feedback.
Upcoming Meetings & Programs
a. Location needed for Sept. 12 business meeting
i. CSU Northridge, UCR, Saddleback possible locations
ii. Share & learn volunteer needed: There was a suggestion to have a discussion about creating good surveys.
b. Future meetings (proposed dates)
i. Oct. 24th (CSU Fullerton, Mt. SAC)
ii. Dec. 5th? There is a CARLDIG event that day, but SCIL could have a meeting after the event.
Round Robin
a. Suggestion to have a SCIL book cart drill team for the next ALA annual conference.
b. The University of La Verne has several open librarian positions.
Minutes recorded by Kimberley Wilcox