SCIL Meeting
Debbi Renfrow (UC Riverside), Tracey Mayfield (CSU Long
Beach), April Cunningham (Saddleback College), Dominique Turnbow (UC San
Diego), Deb Moore (Glendale College), Nancy Getty (Glendale College), Chisa
Uyeki (Mt. San Antonio College), Tina Breitbach, Will Breitbach (CSU
Fullerton), Stephanie Rosenblatt (CSU Fullerton), Joy Lambert (CSU Fullerton),
Marsha Schnirring (Occidental College), Judy Lee (UC Riverside), Kerry Spears
(Casa Loma College), Nikki Julian (University of Southern California), Alex
Chappell (Claremont Colleges), Gayatri Singh (UC San Diego), Karen Heskett (UC
San Diego), Pauline Swartz (Mt. San Antonio College), Stephanie Brasley (CSU Office
of the Chancellor), Sheryl Stahl (Hebrew Union College), Gale Burrow (Claremont
Colleges), Eric Garcia (CSU Northridge), Kimberley Wilcox (Azusa Pacific
Welcome and Introductions
Meeting was chaired by Dominique Turnbow.
Agenda Approval/Adjustment
Agenda was approved with two additions
from Marsha Schnirring: a discussion about SCIL email lists and an announcement
about the Instruction Section Soiree.
Minutes from the November 2007 meeting at Hebrew Union College were approved electronically
and have been posted to the SCIL web site.
IV. Announcements
Web Site
The SCIL web site was moved to the CARL
server. This move will give us more storage space. The CARL web site is
undergoing a redesign and will include a new CARL logo and a possible
members-only section.
E-mail Lists
Are the current e-mail lists working correctly? Some members reported that they
were not receiving messages as expected. Dominique will work with Duffy Tweedy
(SCIL web master) to investigate this.
Section Soiree at the ALA Annual Conference
Marsha and Kimberley gave details about the ACRL Instruction Section Soiree, to
take place during the ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim. All SCIL members are
welcome, including those not attending the conference, and ALA/ACRL/IS
membership is not required. The Soiree will he held on Friday, June 27th,
from 5:30 to 7 PM at the Tangerine Grill and Patio, located across from the
Disneyland Resort at the Anabella Hotel. Announcements will go out soon, and
Kimberley Wilcox will collect RSVPs.
V. Continuing Business
Works 2008 Debrief
Dominique distributed copies of
evaluations of SCIL Works 2008. Reviews were generally positive. Nikki Julian
presented figures for the event: 78 paying registrants, 11 presenters, SCIL
made $1145 on registration, the program costs (food) totaled $833.30, leaving a
balance of +$311.70; extra money goes into the CARL general fund. A discussion
ensued about requesting these funds from CARL for future events; SCIL is viewed
positively by the CARL board, and we should not have problems requesting
funding from them.
New Business
Dinner at CARL Conference
Dominique would like to have a dinner for SCIL members on Friday evening during
the CARL Conference in Irvine. Conference attendance is not required in order
to attend the dinner. Dominique will find a restaurant, send the details out to
CARL-ALL, and collect RSVPs.
Steering List
Discussion about the purpose of the
steering listserv, and who should receive messages from it. Its original
purpose was to accomplish tasks related to programs, and those who attended
business meetings were added to the list. Should this practice continue, or
should the list be limited to current and past SCIL board members? Discussion
-There is a main SCIL list; it includes all who select SCIL as an interest
group on their CARL registration forms.
-The SCIL bylaws say that the steering committee is made up of those who attend
business meetings.
-What about those who only attend meetings occasionally?
General consensus: Dominique will create a structured meeting attendance form
that includes the option to sign up for the SCIL steering listserv, with the
expectation that those who sign up will participate in program planning. The
list will be reviewed annually.
Meeting – Does SCIL want to submit a proposal?
Discussion about whether SCIL should host
a pre-conference or workshop at the 2009 ACRL National Conference in Seattle. Many
expressed interest, and an e-mail list will be set up to collect ideas. Proposals
are due May 12.
Spring Program Planning
The 2008 SCIL Spring Program will be held
on May 23, 2008 at Azusa Pacific University. April and Dominique have begun
planning the program. The keynote speaker will be Toni Davies, a consultant on
the Kaizen philosophy of continuous improvement. The program will most likely
focus on problem solving, needs assessment, time management, and decision
making when one lacks control over the external environment. Toni would like
suggestions from SCIL members about possible topics; April and Dominique will
send out a survey to solicit ideas.
Registration costs were discussed, and the following prices were decided: $60
for CARL members, $90 for non-members, and $25 for students.
VII. Upcoming Meetings
a. April 11, 2008, at Occidental College. Directions and RSVP information will be sent out later.
Share & Learn at Future Meetings?
In the past, SCIL meetings included a time of discussion on topics related to
information literacy, library instruction, and assessment. A 45-minute
pre-meeting discussion on accreditation and information literacy is planned for
SCILÕs April meeting.
College is looking for a College Librarian.
has an open Senior Associate Dean position.
has two open positions: one in collection management, and one for licensing and
about Zotero (an open source bibliographic management extension for Firefox),
and its advantages and disadvantages vis-ˆ-vis EndNote and RefWorks. Marsha
Schnirring offers workshops at Occidental College on using Zotero.
Minutes recorded by Kimberley Wilcox