SCIL Meeting Minutes
February 27, 2009
University of California, San Diego
San Diego, CA
April Cunningham (Saddleback College), Dominique Turnbow (UC San Diego), Tina
Breitbach (UC Irvine), Will Breitbach (CSU Fullerton), Stephanie Rosenblatt (CSU
Fullerton), Marsha Schnirring (Occidental College), Gayatri Singh (UC San
Diego), Karen Heskett (UC San Diego), Pearl Ly (CSU San Marcos), Judi
Windleharth (National University), Lia Friedman (UC San Diego), Katy French
(Palomar College), Allie Carr (CSU San Marcos), Duffy Tweedy (UC San Diego),
Robin Lockesby (National University), Daniel (San Diego County Library, Poway)
1. Meeting
was preceded by a Share & Learn discussion of an article led by Allie Carr: Davis, P. ŇThreshold concepts: How can we
recognize them?Ó In J.H.F Meyer and R. Land (Eds.) Overcoming Barriers to
Student Understanding: Threshold Concepts and Troublesome Knowledge
(pp. 70-84). London: Routledge
2. Welcome
and Introductions
Meeting was chaired by April
3. Minutes
Minutes from the December 2008
meeting at Mt. San Antonio College were approved and have been posted to the
SCIL web site.
4. Announcements
& Updates
Contributions for Kimberley Wilcox Wedding Gift: Kimberley
Wilcox, SCIL member, is getting married.
If you would like to make a contribution through SCIL, please email
April Cunningham at
by 3/12/09.
Contributions for Scholarship in Honor of Connie
Costantino: Connie Costantino,
SCIL member, passed away in January.
San Jose State University is creating a scholarship in her name. SCIL will be making a contribution to
Connie CostantinoŐs Memorial Scholarship Fund at SJSU. SCIL members are
invited to contribute on their own or through this SCIL collection. If
you would like to make a contribution through SCIL, please email April
Cunningham at
by 3/12/09.
á ACRL SCIL Meet-up: Deb Moore, former SCIL Chair, is now the Reference Librarian/Information Literacy Lead at Highline Community College near Seattle, WA. SCIL misses her and she misses SCIL, so sheŐs organizing an informal get-together for SCIL at ACRL. ItŐll take place at 6:30pm on Friday, 3/13/09. Please RSVP by Monday, 3/9/09 to Deb at so she can let you know where everyone is meeting and so sheŐll have an idea of how many people to expect.
Diana, a UCLA student, wanted to know how to get MLIS
students more involved/informed about local professional organizations. She interviewed April who will email
the blog post to the listserv.
5. New
SCIL Works De-brief and Evaluation Results: Stephanie compiled the
evaluations. We made enough money
to match our expenses with a little extra. Thank you to CSU San Marcos for extra funding for booking
the PresidentŐs Room. Issues from
this year/Improvements for next year—
o posters—feels rushed, not really highlighted or featured
o start later, go through lunch. Lunch would require more money for food.
o space issues with breakout sessions
offer postercasts, similar to SCIVEE
try Pecha Kucha
SCIL Spring Program Planning: Should we move the Spring Program so we have more time to
plan it? During these economic
times will people have enough money to attend? Our attendees are looking for practical takeaways and topics
that are forward thinking. Continue our theme of reflective practice; something
to energize and excite people.
Possible ideas—how to build instructional design, curricular
infusion/working with faculty partners, and reflective/mindfulness
retreat. Michael Carroll, author
of Awake at Work, as possible speaker. Marsha will work with Tina and Will to
explore more ideas.
Report from the CARL South Regional Meeting: We have a new CARL Website-- Interest Groups are
starting to use the templates.
There is an Events Calendar-- This is useful so interest groups can
avoid offering programs on the same day and it will also archive our events. The Information Technology South
started up again. DIG is also
trying to become active again.
April is starting up the Community College Interest Group South.
6. Continuing
á Recording
SCIL Events: at previous meetings
we talked about offering recordings of SCIL Events, like SCIL Works or Spring
Program. CARL doesnŐt do it for
their events and they canŐt provide support right now. SCIL is looking for volunteers for a
task group to investigate issues like:
live recordings/screencasts vs online archive, registration fees,
intellectual property issues, and/or technology issues. Stephanie, Katie, and Dominique offered
to join this task group.
Upcoming meetings and programs
SCIL Business Meeting, CSU Fullerton, Friday, May 8,
10:30AM - 1:00PM
8. Round
Daniel, from the Poway branch of SDPL—working on computer literacy
instruction, including Spanish speaking sessions. Working on a information literacy task force. Doing outreach for home-schooled
Robin Lockesby , National University—talking with faculty and staff
Marsha Schnirring, Occidental College—has a new title, Director of Center for Digital Learning and Research
April Cunningham, Saddleback College— working on coming up with rubrics for California Community Colleges, basic skill classes, information competency classes
9. Adjournment
Minutes recorded by Gayatri Singh