California Academic and Research Libraries
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Southern California Instruction Librarians (SCIL)

SCILWorks 2013 Student & Professional Development Scholarship

Submission Deadline Extended

The new deadline is now January 6, 2013. Scholarship winners will be notified by January 11, 2013. 


The purpose of this scholarship is to subsidize the attendance of one instruction librarian or one library school student to SCILWorks 2013. This scholarship will support instruction librarians and students in their professional development and continuing education in the areas of teaching and learning, pedagogy and information literacy instruction.

Awards and Eligibility

Any CARL member who meets the following eligibility requirements may apply for this award:

  1. Any student enrolled in a formal library and information science master's program and is interested in working at an academic institution in a teaching librarian position;
  2. Any librarian at any stage in their career whose primary job is to teach.
The award for SCIL Works will cover the cost of registration and travel to the event, not to exceed $250 per person.


  1. Resume or CV that outlines related work experience, professional activities, and honors
  2. Personal Statement that outlines your interest in instruction in an academic library, speaks to the criteria below, and addresses how your attendance at this conference will support your goals related to instruction librarianship (500 words).
  3. CARL Membership Number
Please submit all materials to Gayatri Singh at by 5 p.m. January 6, 2013 with SCIL Works Scholarship in the subject line.


Factors considered in awarding the scholarship(s) include evidence of:
  • A commitment to a career in teaching/instruction librarianship in an academic library
  • A commitment to academics 
  • Potential financial need
  • Strong communication skills
Achievement in these areas may best be demonstrated by the personal statement indicating interest or work experience in an academic library, including class work, non-course educational experience, volunteer work, teaching or other relevant employment and publications. Candidates should also indicate how attending SCIL Works will help to fulfill professional development or continuing education goals. 

The winner of this award will be required to participate in the following year’s review of scholarship applications.
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