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2010 Conference Proceedings

Every day there are news stories on libraries. The stories are usually focused on collections, buildings, and emerging technologies, and rarely on the people that make libraries. Libraries have amazing collections because library people select, process, and promote all sorts of materials with an eye to the future. Libraries have award winning buildings because library people help design and renovate them to meet both known and anticipated user needs. Libraries are at the forefront of technology because library people are risk takers and see how technology can transform processes and projects.

The conference theme, People Make Libraries: Digging into Our Past and Polishing Our Present to Transform Our Future, was intended to highlight current research and practice that is transforming academic and research libraries, and to facilitate the sharing of valuable knowledge, practices, and experiences. We invite you to explore the first publication of the CARL conference proceedings — 2010 CARL Proceedings.

Search the Contents of the Proceedings

Engage (Pre-Conference)

Yvonne Nalani Meulemans, Allison Carr, and
Pearl Ly, CSU San Marcos
The Service Formerly Known as Reference: A Changing Paradigm
Southern California Instruction Librarians (SCIL)
Facilitator: Allison Carr, CSU San Marcos
Disturbing the Sediment: Dusting off the Information Literacy Competency Standards
Bernadette Daly Swanson, UC Davis Libraries as Motion Video: Setting Up an In-House Studio, Getting Visual & Extending Skill-Sets into New Environments
Author: Michael Yonezawa, UC Riverside
Presenters & Moderators:
Amy Wallace, CSU Channel Islands
Kenley Neufeld, Santa Barbara City College
Michelle Jacobs, UC Los Angeles
Elisa Slater, Loyola Marymount University
Reference Toolkit Revisited


Share (Posters)

Peggy Cabrera, San Jose State Tech Tuesdays: Technology Workshops at the King Library
Description, Poster
Emily Chan & Marina Torres Aiello
University of the Pacific
Mining the Knowledge Base: Wiki Technology and Constructivist Learning in a Reference Services Training Program
Description, Poster
Mira Foster, San Francisco State Under Surveillance: Teaching Topic Monitoring as a Research Skill with RSS Feeds and Email Alerts
Description, Poster
Lua Gregory and Shana Higgins
University of the Redlands
Listening to the Chorus: Librarians Conducting Copyright Education
Description, Poster
Krista Ivy, UC Riverside We have the Technology! We have the Capability! Building a Mentor Program for Future Librarians
Description, Poster
Pamela Jackson, San Diego State Leveraging Our Expert: A Team-Based Approach for Including Information Literacy in Curricular Design
Description, Poster
Sami Lange, Sonoma State Creating an Unexpected Freshman Library Introduction Experience
Description, Poster
Talitha Matlin, San Diego State and
Dominique Turnbow, UC San Diego
(S)He Said, She Said: the Benefits of Mentorship from a Mentor and Mentee Perspective
Description, Poster
Janet Pinkley, CSU Channel Islands Create Your Own Pupu Platter with Library a la Carte: An Open Source Alternative to LibGuides
Description, Poster
Suzanne Roybal, Dominican University of California Transforming our Library Reading Room for a Leisure Reading Collection
Description, Poster
Jeanine Scaramozzino and Marisa Ramirez
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Data Curation: Establishing a Baseline for Scientists' Awareness and Interest in Library Based Infrastructure
Description, Poster
David Schmitt, UC San Diego Can Google Replace Your Database?
Description, Poster
Susan Shepherd, UC San Diego Digital Information Fluency: It's Not Your Mother's Information Literacy
Description, Poster
Melissa VandeBurgt, CSU Channel Islands Visualizing Library of Congress Subject Headings
Description, Poster
Jiannan Wang, CSU East Bay Understanding Science Faculty information-seeking behavior To Determine Collection Development Priorities
Description, Poster



Melanie Hawks, University of Utah Intention to Action: Influencing Others When You Don't Have (or Can't Use) Authority
Peter Hernon, Ph.D., Graduate School of Library
and Information Science, Simmons College
Be a Leader Not Merely a Follower



Serjio Acevedo and Michelle Maloney,
University of the Pacific
Libraries as Bedrock: Partnering to Promote Diversity and Inclusiveness on Campus
Korey Brunetti, CSU East Bay
Julian Prentice, Chabot College
Lori Townsend, CSU East Bay
Let's Try This Again: Redefining the Content of Information Literacy for a Post-Google World
Allison Carr and Pearl Ly, CSU San Marcos The Library Scavenger Hunt Strikes Back: Teaching "Library as Place"
Emily Chan and Marina Torres Aiello,
University of the Pacific
Mining the Knowledge Base: Wiki Technology and Constructivist Learning in a Reference Services Training Program
Allison Cowgill and Amanda Dinscore
CSU Fresno
Usability Testing of a Library Web Site: Librarians and Anthropologists Working Together
Crystal Goldman, Valeria Molteni,
Y. Diana Wu, San Jose State
Is it really swim or sink for tenure tracks?
Jacqui Grallo and Kathlene Hanson,
CSU Monterey Bay
Jade Winn, USC
People Make Research Guides
Amy Hofer and Margot Hanson,
Golden Gate University
Upstairs-Downstairs: Working with a Campus Assessment Coordinator and Other Allies for Effective Information Literacy Assessment
Pamela Howard and Mira Foster
San Francisco State
Library Research and Institutional Review: IRB got your hands tied? Did they get permission?
Sami Lange and Joe Marquez, Sonoma State Using the Library Staff and Statistics to Create a Dynamic Twitter Program
Katherine O'Clair, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Early Career Issues in Academic Librarianship


Listen & Learn

Nicole Allensworth, Diane Sands, and Hesper Wilson, San Francisco State The Next Generation Research Guide: You Too Can Move to LibGuides and Plan a Cheap, Fun Marketing Campaign in One Semester or Less
Eileen K. Bosch, Khue Duong, and
Hema Ramachandran, CSU Long Beach
Mentees at the Beach! What do mentees want?
Matt Conner and Melissa Browne, UC Davis New Directions in Library Instruction: Keywords, Visual Literacy, and Critical Thinking
Lesley Farmer, CSU Long Beach Succession Planning: Predictors for Success
Elaine Franco and John Sherlock, UC Davis
Sarah Buchanan, UCLA
Digging into Our "Hidden Collections": Maximizing Staff Skills and Technology to Enhance Access to Special Collections
Jeff Gatten and Mike Bryant, California Institute
of the Arts
Rock the CASBAH: CalArts Student Behaviors and Habits
Anna Gold, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo The Library as a Student Research Site
Helen Heinrch, CSU Northridge
Donna LaFollette, SCELC: Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium
Panning for the Future: an Exercise in Teamwork
Carol Perruso, Karin Griffin, and Susan Jackson, CSU Long Beach Are They Getting It: Seeking Evidence of Students' Research Behavior Over Time
Dominique Turnbow and Susan Shepherd,
UC San Diego
It's About the Plan: How to Ensure that Your Program Evaluation Gives You the Results You Need