Newsletter |
The Winter 2025 CARL Newsletter is out. Read it here!
SCIL Works 2025 |
Please join the Southern California Instruction Librarians (SCIL) on Friday, February 7th from 9am-1pm for SCIL Works 2025, a virtual, half-day conference. This year’s SCIL Works will focus on relationship building, liaison collaborations, and campus engagement with library instruction.
Relationship building is critical to embedding information literacy instruction across disciplines, student success initiatives, and campus collaborations. Library workers often have to build networks with library colleagues, discipline faculty, staff, students, and community groups. Strategic and intentional approaches to relationship building are not always discussed in library education programs. What happens when we have never heard the word “liaison” throughout our graduate education? How do we learn how to approach relationship building and create effective instruction collaborations across the library, campus, and the profession? Together we will explore the expanding definitions and responsibilities of liaison roles as they relate to instruction. Here is the conference schedule.
If you have any questions or require accommodations beyond captioning for this event please reach out to SCIL chair, Ariana Varela avarel34@calstatela.edu.
CARLDIG-S 2024 Program |
Join us for our hybrid 2024 Fall Program at Citrus College!
Friday, December 6, 9 am - 1 pm.
Citrus College
1000 W Foothill Blvd, Glendora, CA 91741
This year, we’re focused on practical tools and takeaways to empower reference services. It also includes a discussion session on poster presentations. The program includes presentations focused on technology and services. The cost of participation technology support, beverages, and food for lunch. On-campus parking is $5 for the day and is not included in the cost of participation. Daily parking permits can be purchased at automated parking stations and allow parking in student lots (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S8 and S9).
This year we will offer our program in hybrid format. To help pay for the HyFlex room and technical support, there will be a charge for virtual attendance.
Cost of Participation:
- CARL Members: $30
- Non-CARL Members: $45
- Students/Retirees: $15
- Virtual: $10
View the Program Schedule
Registration will be open until Friday, November 22nd, or until sold out, whichever comes first. Register right away to reserve your spot! The schedule will be uploaded to our website.
For more information, don't hesitate to contact our Programs Chair, Shonn Haren (smharen@cpp.edu).
We look forward to seeing you!
Call for Nominations |
The 2024-25 CARL Nominations & Elections Committee is pleased to open the call for nominations (self-nominations encouraged!) for the following CARL Executive Board offices:
- Vice President (3-year term)
- Director-at-Large, UC (2-year term)
- Director-at-Large, CSU (2-year term)
According to CARL Bylaws, Article IV, Section 2, every member of CARL has the right to hold any office within the Association. Officer duties are described in the CARL Bylaws and CARL Standing Rules.
Terms for these offices begin in January 2025, with a request to attend the December 2024 board meeting. Elected officers must plan to attend four CARL Executive Board meetings per year (either four virtual or 2 virtual, 2 in-person).
Important Deadlines:
Please send nominations for the above positions to Shamika Simpson at ssimpson@lbcc.edu by October 7, 2024.
Feel free to contact any member of this committee with questions. Additionally, if you are interested in serving on the Nominations & Elections Committee, please reach out. We look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you,
2024-25 Nominating and Elections Committee
Shamika Simpson, CARL Past President
Rayheem Eskridge, CARL President
Newsletter |
The Winter 2025 CARL Newsletter is out. Read it here!
ACRL 2025 |
The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) invites proposals for the ACRL 2025 Conference to be held April 2-5, 2025, in Minneapolis and online. See the conference website for complete details, including the full Call for Proposals.
CARL Conference 2024 |
View the CARL Conference 2024 Program.
CARL Conference 2024 |
Take a look at the remarkable presentations brought to you by library professionals, students, and enthusiasts just like you!
View the agenda on the CARL Conference 2024 site. |
CARL Conference 2024 |

April 3-6, 2024
Join us for The Insufficient Librarian, our 2024 CARL Conference, in San Jose, CA.
This year, we will explore justice-centered skills, mindsets, and practices that encourage and empower us to do better librarianship for ourselves and our communities.
Cost of Participation:
- CARL Members (Early-bird): $225
- non-CARL Members (Early-bird): $350
- Students/Retirees: $75
Register now!
Hotel Information:
- Holiday Inn San Jose—Silicon Valley | 1350 North 1st Street, San Jose, CA
- Cost with our group code CAR April 3-7, 2024: $777.64 USD
For more information, please contact our Planning Committee.
We're so excited to see you there!
SCIL Works 2024 |
Friday, February 2, 2024
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Registration is Open
Southern California Instruction Librarians (SCIL) will be hosting SCIL Works on Friday, February 2, 2024 as a remote half-day mini-conference. This annual mini-conference offers librarians the opportunity to hear best practices, innovative pedagogy, and creative solutions with colleagues. SCIL Works 2024 will focus on ways librarians have incorporated effective communication strategies such as active listening, empathetic instruction, and more, into library instruction.
Communication is key to effective library instruction. Everything from coordinating with course instructors, students, and peers, to the types of learning objects we create, depends on communication that engages all participants. Many of us do not come to library instruction with formal training in communication, education, or public speaking, and yet these and related skills are often required to effectively engage and empathize with our learners. We have had to learn, often through trial and error, how best to listen, when to say "yes, and...," how to say no, and other strategies that have helped us connect with students, staff, faculty, other library workers, and ourselves with kindness and compassion.
Register Now
CARL is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities at all CARL-sponsored events. Please indicate any special accommodations required as an attendee. Requests must be received at least two weeks prior to the event.
If you have any questions or require accommodations for this event please reach out to SCIL Chair, Michelle Brasseur at mbrasseur@library.ucla.edu
CARL Conference 2024 |
The CARL Conference 2024 will take place April 3-6 at the Holiday Inn San Jose - Silicon Valley. More info to come soon!

CARLDIG-S 2023 Fall Program Open for Registration |
Friday, December 1, 2023, 9am-1pm
Join us for our 2023 Fall Program at the amazing Cal Poly Pomona campus or virtually!
This year, we focus on assessment and data collection to drive data-driven change. The program includes presentations highlighting how academic libraries collect, review, share, and learn from data.
Cost of Participation:
- CARL Members: $30
- non-CARL Members: $45
- Students/Retirees: $15
- Virtual: $10
Registration will be open until Friday, November 17th, or until sold out, whichever comes first. Register right away to reserve your spot!
For more information, don't hesitate to contact our Programs Chair, Hannah Cole, or CARLDIG-s Chair, Leanna Pagano.
We look forward to seeing you!
Ilene F. Rockman CARL/ACRL Conference Scholarship |
If you are a library school student or an early-career library professional (approximately two years or less experience), consider applying for the Ilene F. Rockman Scholarship!
This year, two CARL members will be selected for a scholarship to support attendance at the CARL Conference 2024, to be held April 3-6, 2024, in San Jose.
The deadline is December 1, 2023. Applicants must submit two letters of recommendation, a personal statement of 500 words or less, and their curriculum vitae. Membership in CARL is required before or at the time of application. Additional eligibility details and application instructions are available on the CARL website.
Web site migration |
- CARL is moving to a new membership platform, so you’ll see a different interface when you go to pay your annual dues. Although the website itself is currently under construction, the membership form and payment system are fully functional.
- There is no change to the types of membership or member fees.
- Membership is now automatically set to notify you of your renewal date one year following your most recent individual dues payment.
- The database defaults to showing your name, professional title, and institution publicly in the membership directory – you can adjust your profile if you want to show more or less.
- The website will eventually be migrated to the new platform and we hope to unveil new features to make things more engaging and user-friendly.
- Questions? Contact CARL Membership Director Kelli Hines at khines@westernu.edu.